Is there a true debate about climate change?

Climate change deniers try to block action by claiming there’s a true debate over whether it’s a problem or caused by humans. In fact, there’s no debate. A whopping 98% of climate scientists concur it’s a problem and is primarily caused by humans. Finding 98% of people who agree on any topic almost never happens.

Below gives you a nice visual of how many 98% is compared to 2%. The 98 drought icons represent the 98% of scientists who say it is real and is man-made. The icons of a person are the 2% who are skeptics. Please also visit our Experiment page where you can experience how long it takes to find 2 dissenting scientists in a crowd where 98 agree.

Rubye Spargo

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Lavada Ayer

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Andres Traxler

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Jacinto Vanfossen

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Clair Campo

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Franklyn Lemen

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Hortencia Garduno

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Andres Traxler

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Luther Jamieson

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Tempie Eisenbarth

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Margit Cassette

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Wiley Cusick

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Nam Gallion

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Margit Cassette

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Kyle Lundell

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Clair Campo

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Stanford Harada

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Dennis Sweatt

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Babara Holiman

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Vannessa Knebel

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Babara Holiman

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Franklyn Lemen

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Darius Cravey

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Stacey Glickman

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Stanford Harada

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Moises Trottier

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Bree Siddiqi

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Catherina Hunte

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Ronny Gruver

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Brant Hinton

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Wiley Cusick

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Franklyn Lemen

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Babara Holiman

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Nam Gallion

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Jonna Armstong

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Darius Cravey

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Stanford Harada

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Gregorio Kell

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Luther Jamieson

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Darius Cravey

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Franklyn Lemen

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Darius Cravey

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Clair Campo

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Phyliss Hastie

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Hortencia Garduno

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Tempie Eisenbarth

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Nam Gallion

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Clarinda Pearcy

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Tempie Eisenbarth

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Catherina Hunte

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Nam Gallion

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Argelia Nobile

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Stanford Harada

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Ronny Gruver

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Jacinto Vanfossen

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Franklyn Lemen

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Stacey Glickman

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Dennis Sweatt

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Jacinto Vanfossen

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Moises Trottier

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Darius Cravey

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Stanford Harada

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Moises Trottier

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Luther Jamieson

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Jacinto Vanfossen

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Stacey Glickman

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Dennis Sweatt

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Wiley Cusick

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Vannessa Knebel

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Catherina Hunte

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Yi Carollo

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Dr. William Shatner

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Jonna Armstong

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Clair Campo

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Clarinda Pearcy

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Hortencia Garduno

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Franklyn Lemen

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Darius Cravey

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Stanford Harada

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Margit Cassette

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Dennis Sweatt

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Malcolm Merkle

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Babara Holiman

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Lacie Steffen

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Jacinto Vanfossen

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Rubye Spargo

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Dennis Sweatt

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Hortencia Garduno

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Lacie Steffen

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Wiley Cusick

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Franklyn Lemen

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Andres Traxler

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Tempie Eisenbarth

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Hortencia Garduno

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Vannessa Knebel

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Margit Cassette

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Ronny Gruver

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Verlene Iman

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Moises Trottier

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Clarinda Pearcy

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